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We are so excited for our summer together!


$50 Deposit to Reserve Spot for ages 6+ camps

$30 Deposit to Reserve Spot for ages 3-6 camps

Remaining balance will be posted May 1 with due dates 1 week before camp.

(nonrefundable, non transferrable, if you would like to be on autopay, you must email to authorize)

Cancellation Policy:

By paying this NONREFUNDABLE deposit, you are agreeing to join the summer camp week you registered for. 

There is a 2 week CANCELLATION POLICY. 

If you choose not to come to summer camp registered for, the studio must be notified VIA EMAIL. at at least 2 weeks prior to camp start date to not be charged the balance of your camp.



Ages 6+ camps.  There are 4 studios to split students up based on age, dance experience, or interests.

Ages 3-6 camps will break up between 2 classes based on age, dance experience, or interests.



Ages 6+ camps- Bring Lunch, Snacks, Water (everything labeled)

Ages 3-6 camps- Bring Snack and Water (everything labeled)

Bring White Shirt by Tuesday (labeled in 1 gallon ziplock bag)

If studio provides shirt $5 fee will go to portal account. We don't want anyone to be without!



Comfortable clothing to move in, dance clothing/shoes encouraged, do not need all dance shoes, may wear socks.



Shows will be available on YouTube live-  for friends and family to watch, at 2pm for full day camps and 11:30am for preschool.  Musical Theatre shows will be at LIVE at a theatre (details TBD, tickets will go on sale the second day of camp!)


Musical Camps will have a theatre performance, details TBD.

Friday will also be Pizza Day for full day camps, please bring $5 cash by Wednesday.

Drop off will begin at 9am.

Classes officially begins at 9:30am.

Pick Up will begin at 2:45-3:00.

Students remaining after 3:15 will be charged after care fee of $15.

Before care pick up begins at 8am,

pick up must be by 5pm.

Students picked up after 5 will get $1/minute charged.



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